Walking Softly – Part One

Walking Softly – Part One

I’ve written a bit about the fallen oaks that have traumatized my heart. I know intellectually that their falling literally makes way for new growth, but it is hard to let go of those who stand greatly around us. 

So, I decided to honor one of the oaks by making a walking stick from its limb. 

Making walking sticks are a resourceful and useful project, which many ages can participate in (as you will see below). I do believe that since we were children we have connection to sticks. There seems to be no greater toy. So, whether we need support while hiking, or a means to dismantle webs while, or just want to hold a great tree in your hand, find a stick and make it your own.

Below is Part One of preparing my walking stick. I want to give the wood some more time to dry before woodburning and finishing it. 

The most recent walking stick Abe made for Pen. Bracelet by Pen!

Yesterday, Abe decided to make one for Pen. He chose a honeysuckle limb, and Pen made a friendship bracelet for it.