February’s Snow Moon

February’s Snow Moon

After watching the thriller Parasite last night, my nerves were already a little sensitive, but the Full Snow Moon only increased the tension. Our bedroom is partially submerged into the ground. So, our bed is at ground level. We have no curtains which allowed the bright moonlight to reflect off of the snow and illuminate our room. It felt unsettling and uneasy, and I felt charged and awake. Our dog Lucy only further prevented my sleep because she was pacing around the room. Turns out there was a deer peering directly at us in our beds. This was definitely weird and a bit disturbing. 

So, all of this to say I better understand why the best spells are cast under a full moon, and how the full moon could have the power to transform us into wolves.  It was a wild and unpeaceful feeling under that Super Snow Moon last night. 

Have you ever experienced restless, full moon energy?